시간과 시간 사이


In modern society, each day is partitioned rather strictly into different segments, each of which comes with its own behavioral script defining ‘when to do what how’: e.g. (how to) wake up, (how to) eat, (how to) go to work, (how to) come home again, (how to) relax, (how to) go to bed, etc. The influence of these scripts, however, goes far beyond behaviour, as this also determines how we perceive ourselves and how others interpret us during different phases of the day. In other words, each script generates a temporary social mask that allows only for very specific aspects of our personalities to come out and play during very specific moments.

With ‘Time In Between Time’ Sung Im Her and Husk Husk want to deconstruct the scripted segmentation of one period of 24 hours in order to explore the tension between the scripts and our full personalities, the transitions between the different segments, as well as how the disruption of the segmentation might allow for new, less restricted senses of self.



Choreography: Sung Im Her

Performers: Sung Im Her and Ji Hye Ha

Dramaturg: Martha Passakopoulou

Music composition: Husk Husk

Image: Koen Broos, Linde Raedschelders

Producer: Yoon Hee Yang

Stage Manager: Myung Hyun Choi

Light Design: Young Uk Lee

Support: Steakhouse Live, Seoul Arts Foundation, Arts Council England, Platform L

Previous Performances:

  • 27th - 28th November 2020: Platform L, Live, Seoul, South Korea
